Foggy City Dancers’ invite you to our
Pride Promenade
Sat, June 24, 2017
with caller
Rich Reel
Hayward, CA
with cuer
Dan & Allison Drumheller
Fairfield, CA
solo dancers welcome
casual or traditional attire
casual or traditional attire
Plus • A2 • C1*
7:00pm – 7:30pm
7:00pm – 10:30pm
Alternating Plus/A2
with limited Single Rounds
FCD Members: $10
Other Dancers: $12
Forest Hill Christian Church
250 Laguna Honda Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94116
San Francisco, CA 94116
directions can be found at foggycity.org/directions
for more information, visit foggycity.org
or email dance@foggycity.org